Tuesday 18 October 2011


Hey guys found another pretty cool illusion
''How many faces do you see?''
Took me around twenty seconds to perceive the side face properly.

This one, sourced from visualfunhouse.com is pretty rad,
The caption, ''schmeckt hervorragend'' means 'tastes great', if one was wondering

The next is possibly my favorite visual moving illusion, sourced from DamnLOL.
They Dance...

For something totally unrelated, this popped up on my ''reflection'' journey through several image searchs.
''Transvestite Fights In Street'' I give thee..
Wtf..Transvestite Fighting In The Street

Now for the illusion I sourced on reflection, Its pretty interesting, on one view, this is a puddle, on another view its a car being swallowed into a hole, a surreal image.

Now for classics, expect headaches...

The next one convinced me this was actually moving..

Et c'ect tout pour le moment!


Monday 17 October 2011

Photoshop projects: 2: Photo resoration-

A challenge Indeed...
There's roughly 25 steps  and the takes up to an over an hour to complete.


This is the example given, before and after....

Many clone and patch tooling later I managed this, took around 40 minutes....skipping steps of course. Some of them are irrelevant and can be done an easier way In my opinion.

I fine eye would notice my botched background :P Overall I guess I am happy with the result.
Regards the exercise as a whole I found it quite rewarding. It forces you to experiment with Photoshop which I think, is necessary to grow in Photoshop skills- there's only so much theory we can do! :D


Colour Photoshop projects

Currently gettingh used to Photoshop in my Multimedia module in Applied Psychology.
Our first ''assignment'' (unofficially) was to colour an object, a person so to speak, and put them on a background. More importantly, make it look proffesh =D

 So, I took this ''Barren Explosion'' photo- which I must say is one of the most exciting photo's I've layed my eyes on, and used is as my background,
I said for the person I'd use someone I had an interest in. I chose Famke Jameson, better known as Phoenix from the X-men trilogy/ franchise.
And here is the result, many layers later......
I wanted to emphasize the explosion so I blurred out the surrounding landscape and darkened it to a degree. The hardest part usually for me is trying to make the person seem like they're in the actual background, and not just thrown on top of it, with ridiculous confusing light sources coming from all angles. So I out two light sources on Phoenix: 1: Her front. to highlight her to an extend and portray lighting shining from behind the viewer. 2: Her hair. I overlayed red/yellow to portray the gravity of the explosion in the background and its blinding  light.